Monday, February 21, 2011

Here's to One Year & No Tears!

One year ago I began a friendship
with this funny guy,
who made me feel like 
the prettiest girl in the room.
Today, that guy is my best friend.
So, we made it a year, babe! :-) It sure has been a hard year for me physically and emotionally, but oddly enough, I am happier than I have ever been. And as my Pop told me back in November, if we can make it through this, we can make it through anything. 
Okay--I will stop being mushy now.
I am waiting for Mr. Spots to get home. After a lot of debate we came to a joint decision that I am not strong enough to make the 7 hour drive to the Shore. We checked flights from here & Charlotte to Salisbury, MD but $800? No. Thank. You! It made me cringe just looking at it. Mom & my Step-Dad are going to meet us in Richmond, have dinner, then make the rest of the trip. I have to admit I am excited about smelling the salty air... seeing the beach...and being close to my family. oh, how I have missed it. 
I am not excited to leave Mr. Spots. Or my baby sister. Or Louis. Or my life...
But we all have to make sacrifices! If it will allow me to live a healthy life, I will do whatever I need to do to keep myself with "no evidence of disease" for as long as possible!

Let me get off here and finish my last minute packing. Mr. Spots should be here shortly to scoop me up. I am determined not to cry today...
After all, it is not goodbye. It's "see ya soon!"

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