Thursday, February 17, 2011

Melanoma Awareness & Benefit Show!

"I think music in itself is healing.
It's an explosive expression of humanity.
It's something we are all touched by.
No matter what culture we're from,
everyone loves music."
~Billy Joel.

About a week ago Mr. Spots called me into the living room. "Hey Chels, have you read the message from PolyChrome?" Message from PolyChrome? No, I don't think I have...Was I supposed to? I walk into the living room and Mr. Spots shows me the message sent from our favorite local band.

I read the message.

I read the message again.


PolyChrome, winners of the 2010 category "Best Local Band" for The Roanoke Times and Roanoke's City Magazine, is asking if they can do a benefit show for me, asking if it is necessary. 

My first emotional response is shock. Here are these 3 awesome guys who only know me as a random girl who forgets the words to "I Shot The Sheriff," who swoons when they sing "Wagon Wheel," and has a boyfriend obsessed with their version of "Free Falling." Still, they are going out of their way to do something for my family...They have secured a location, found other bands to perform, and they are taking care of all of the details on their own time, etc.

See why I am having trouble finding the words to thank them? 

Sometimes people really do amaze me. This is one of those times. (Again, thank you guys...I will never be able to say that enough.)

Now on to the details...because who isn't in the mood for a party?

What: Melanoma Awareness and Benefit Show, staring PolyChrome, Mafia Track Suit, Superhold, Sideshow, The Ruckus, Watershed Conspiracy, Manic Farm, Sparks Will Fly

When: April 17th, 2011, starting at 2 PM

Where: Schooners, Roanoke, VA
              7226 WILLIAMSON ROAD 
                     Roanoke, VA
                     Find them on Facebook: Friends of Schooners/Roanoke VA

I really would love to see my friends that weekend. Obviously I don't know what my treatment plan is but I should have an idea after the appointment next Friday. I have every intention of being in Roanoke April 17th and I WANT TO SEE YOU! 

Check out PolyChrome's page. Look at their show dates. Even if you can't make it to the event that weekend, GO SEE THEM. They are a fun group of VERY talented guys. You will not regret it.

1 comment:

  1. That is amazing!!! If we are anywhere near Roanoke on that day we will be there! Sending a virtual hug your way!
