Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Morning Of...

I have made a decision.

I am going to go into surgery with positive thoughts,
a smile on my face,
 and the determination to be the best little melanoma patient
Memorial Sloan Kettering has ever seen!

However, in honor of the pain I am going to put myself through today (guilt trip begins now!) I hope you take the time to warn someone about the dangers of melanoma. Become friends with a dermatologist. Stay out of the tanning bed. (Hello, spray tan!) Use sunscreen daily...not only on yourself but your kids, your husband, your parents. 

Be smart.


  1. Thinking of you today girl!! You got this! Prayers and love!

  2. I love that you are still thinking of others as you head into this surgery! You are an amazing gal. Looking forward to a positive report after your surgery!!!

  3. Sending you prayers for calmness and strength for you and your family. You'll do great!
