Saturday, March 5, 2011

No News Is Good News?

Still no word from Memorial Sloan Kettering. I felt certain I would hear something yesterday regarding my pathology report and the upcoming surgery. Maybe Monday? Although I have truly enjoyed not having to discuss pathology reports with coding that confuses me no matter how much I study it, I am anxious to get the show on the road.

Enough about that.

I had a lovely, lovely day with my family yesterday. Mom and I had some quality time, not with doctors, yesterday during the day. Then I had dinner with the other side of my family. If you have ever had the pleasure to be around them, and most of you have, you know how fun they are! You will never say 'we' are a boring crowd...!

Prior to going over to my Aunt "Dee Dee's" house, she had sent me a text message telling me that while she was putting her youngest to bed on Thursday night, he asked if I am sick. Not sure how to answer him, she said "Well...not like when Mommy has the flu but yes...she's sick." He asked, "Can I kiss her and make her feel better?" What do you think I got as soon as I pulled up to their house? A big, slobbery kiss! He sure knows how to win a girls heart.

Tonight I am heading out with a few of my friends. What have I appreciated the most about being home? Everyone treats me like normal. In fact, one of my friends flat out said he refused to talk about cancer. I needed that. (Thanks, buddy! You know I love ya!)

And others...the cards, the flowers, the cookies (!!!), the books...You keep me with a smile on my face.

Being home is exactly what I need right now.

That being said............I absolutely cannot wait to see Mr. Spots tomorrow! I miss him more than I even realized I would. It is true what I said before, he holds me together. And as Mom keeps repeating, he makes us happy, he makes us laugh.

As I end this post I am requesting you send good thoughts towards my friend Miss Melanoma & the City. She had a pretty invasive surgery a few days ago and is trying to heal. Please say a few prayers her results will bring her answers and a plan.

Because, like with all of us, the uncertainty is terrifying.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you're enjoying your time home! I'm with you, though. No news is good news! I will be praying for you as well as your friend!
