Wednesday, March 23, 2011

One More Prayer...

I know, I know. For someone who claims she is not overly religious, here I am posting something else. I guess I should say I do not follow religion like most people follow religion. I have never said I do not believe.

ANYWAY---my friend Anne, a beautiful mother of 2, also a Melanoma Warrior, sent me this today. It brought me a lot of comfort on this very nerve wrecking day before the most intense surgery of my life thus far.

Dear Lord,
I lift up Chelsea to you as she prepares for surgery
and Lord trust that you will carry her through this time.  Lord I pray
that she will sense Your presence with her every step of the way.
Cover her in perfect peace that comes from you Alone, calm her nerves
and replace her anxiety with hope and trust in your plan and will for
her life.  I ask that you will guide the doctors and nurses that are
caring for her and give them wisdom in the decisions they make. Lord
we ask that her lymphnodes be free of melanoma and that her recovery be swift and complete.
We ask that you would extend Your grace over her body and heal it with your touch.
Give Chelsea's Mom strength, encouraging words, and a calm heart to help
support Chelsea tomorrow and the days that follow.  Thank you Lord for walking with
us every step of the way and that we never have to go through anything alone. Go
before Chelsea tomorrow and create a path of peace, be there with her and
draw her close to you during and after the surgery, follow behind her
and protect her healing process. Thank you in advance Lord for
showering her and her family with love, mercy and peace. Amen

Anne, thank you. It brought me the peace I needed earlier today.


  1. That was beautiful, Chelsea!

  2. I have prayed this prayer every day since I read it....praying it hard again now....I know God will be with you and all of us today.
