Sunday, March 13, 2011

Playing Catch-Up!

The Cancer Free(ish) Week was fabulous!

Mr. Spots and I thoroughly enjoyed our week together. As you know, he arrived on the Shore last Sunday. Exhausted and just anxious to spend time together, we had a lazy night together. Monday morning we got up, Mom took us to the airport, and we flew to Florida to visit my Grand Parents. (Did I mention that the woman behind us on the plan discussed how her husband thought he had skin cancer? Mr. Spots just glanced at me, shook his head...Sometimes there is no escaping it!) Like I mentioned in a previous post, my Grand Parents have been in Florida since November so the visit was overdue.

Tuesday was an absolutely beautiful day in sunny Florida. I lathered up in SPF 50 and headed to the pool. It felt a little unusual to not pick the chair in the direct sunlight... Instead Mr. Spots and I sat underneath a tree. Had a little bit of sun, enough to warm my skin, but I played it smart! Mom did send me an amusing text prior to heading out to the pool: "Now I don't have to tell you the importance of sunscreen, do I?" Funny lady, that Momma of mine! ;-)

Like my hat?! (Gran did...which is why I have to order another one for myself now! What better way to promote Melanoma awareness than my itsy bitsy Gran wearing hers with pride around those sun worshippers!)

Mr. Spots and I headed back to the condo about 45 minutes after being by the pool. I was too nervous to relax and was honestly in desperate need for a nap. The traveling exhausted me!

Tuesday night we joined my Grand Parents on a dinner cruise. It was a beautiful night and we were surrounded by beautiful people.

Tuesday night was not much fun for me. As I previously posted, I caught a little stomach bug so my night was full of yuckiness and a very worried Granny. ;-) (Love you, you silly lady!)

By Wednesday evening I felt almost human again. I was determined to be well because we had a dinner date with my 94 year old Great Great Uncle and his gorgeous wife. It was fun! I can only hope I am that spunky and in love when I am his age! He won my heart when he stood at the table when I returned from the restroom...that's a true gentleman, fellas. Take lessons!

It was time to head to Savannah on Thursday. It was difficult leaving Granny and Poppy and knowing that the next time I see them I will have fashionable (ha!) drains coming out of me!

Once we got through the downpour, we made it to Savannah!

We checked into the hotel, freshened up, and headed out to explore the beautiful city.  We had a delicious dinner on River Street (I am forgetting the name of the restaurant right now...!) and began to walk around.

Our great attempt at taking our own picture with my super bright flash!

We started heading back towards the hotel when I noticed another "Ghost" type of tour! Excited, I started walking over to them, convinced I could talk Mr. Spots into going. Then I realized the tour involved riding in a hearse........No. Thank. You. I am trying to avoid being put in a hearse for a few dozen years!

However, good ol' Mr. Spots noticed a horse and carriage that appeared available. Luckily for us, the weather was cold and windy so there were not many people out renting the $98/hour carriage. The friendly lady agreed to take us on a private tour for $40.00. Perfect-o!

It was lovely.

It was romantic.

And it was educational.

I definitely plan on returning to Savannah to spend more time in the future!

Friday morning we packed up and spent about 9 hours in the car! Since seatbelts still irritate my neck, Mr. Spots drove about 8 hours of the trip that day. Good ol' boyfriend! Still, I was tired. We met my Dad for a quick dinner and tucked ourselves into bed.

Saturday we were L-A-Z-Y! We spent some time with my Mom and Step Dad then headed out to dinner with my childhood best friend, E, and her future husband. The four of us had a blast...It was interesting to sit there with the three of them and remember E and I being in 4th grade discussing what it would be like to double date with our special guys...I am really glad we were able to do that.
Mr. Spots left this morning...Although I tried to hold it together, I cried like a baby. Things seem a little less scary when he is around. Knowing that I won't see him for a month, knowing that the next time I see him I will possibly have drains coming out of me, even more scars, etc, upset me. Everything keeps changing and it is terrifying.  I thoroughly enjoyed spending the week with him. I know the next month is going to be a rough one but I will think back on the last week and be able to smile!  Thanks to everyone who contributed to that...Gran & Pop and Mr. Spots especially---I needed last week. Thank you.

Now Mom and I are in the Big Apple again.  We are staying at the same hotel as our last trip--they remembered us and were kind enough to upgrade our room! Let me tell you, when the bell man remembers you, tells you that you WILL be fine because you are going to the best hospital, well... it feels like coming home! My one bedroom home away from home!

It is time to get some shut eye...Big day tomorrow:

9:00 Pre-surgery testing at outpatient center

10:30 MRI of liver at Radiology center

Directly following that...Meeting with Dr. Glenda's nurse to learn about the drains I will have, etc at hospital

2:45 Meeting Head & Neck Surgeon at hopsital


I'm exhausted just thinking about it! ;-)

Good night, friends. I am off to dream sweet dreams!

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