Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Family....& Hope.

"There have been so many exciting new treatments discovered over the past few years, but we can’t forget this — there’s no substitute for hope. And when families stick together, hope stays strong. 
Fighting cancer requires medicine and faith — faith believing in something deeply and certainly, without a single doubt. The fear of losing control is dangerous as the disease itself. Fear keeps us doubting instead of hoping. Looking down instead of up." ~Brothers & Sisters

Even though Roanoke is truly becoming my home, I always feel so safe when I reach the Eastern Shore. My family, which includes Mr. Spots & his family, is my safe harbor. Even on the bad days, even without saying a word, they keep me going. They give me hope.

No matter how old you get, no matter how far away you move, there is no place like home.

As I head to New York City for my early Friday morning scans, I am going to have hope. I am going to believe that I am still "NED." (No Evidence of Disease.) Of course I am nervous...One little spot on my lung or liver could change everything. However, I keep being reminded that positive thinking can increase positive results. Soooooooooo.... I am thinking about positive, clean, perfect scans! 

Tomorrow Mom & I are going to leave early so that we can enjoy the City. Cinco de mayo in NYC? I am sure it could be interesting! My "cocktail hour" will begin at 7:40 in the morning Friday...yes, I will be "drinking" while you are all beginning your hangover from Thursday! ;-)

If you have a minute, please send some good juju my way for healthy, clean scans. Please?

I will post the results as soon as I know.

XO, my friends.


  1. After an anxious week, I finally got my latest results yesterday (thankfully, the news was good). Since I was already in full blown "fingers crossed - I deserve some good news for a change" mode, I've decided to simply extend my anxiety for a few more days and re-direct my recent successful nail-gnawing towards good results for you.

    (Seriously... I'll be thinking of you and hoping for the absolute best)

  2. Tim, hahaha. Thank you for making me smile! :-)

    Congratulations on the good results! All of that nail-gnawing paid off! Here's to many more GOOD results!

  3. Sending you good vibes and will drink a virgin margarita for cinco de mayo in your honor!!! :)

  4. love ya and thinking about you xoxoxox

  5. Chelsea,
    Good luck. A lot of prayers coming your way!
    Hugs for strength
