Thursday, May 19, 2011

"Oh! Oh!"

Sometimes I should not be let out in the public. Today was one of those days. I woke up this morning, got myself ready, and Mr. Spots took me to the airport. Being the best boyfriend ever, he came inside  (against my demands of him going home to rest) to spend a few extra minutes with me. As I was checking in, I was informed that my flight was delayed. Bummer. So, Mr. Spots and I hung out in the restaurant for a bit, chit chatting, enjoying our last few minutes together. I figured I would head on back to my gate close to my flight time just in case they decided to leave on time. Good thing I did! After being rushed through security, forgetting to remove my shoes, and being yelled at for forgetting said shoes, I headed towards the gate looking forward to a few minutes to organize myself before boarding the flight. As soon as I sit down I hear, "We are now boarding Zone 2." Wait...It's only 10:10. They said my flight was delayed until 11:15! Good thing I left Mr. Spots when I did...

I have been on some small planes before, but holy cow...this plane was unusually small. I had to put my feet on my laptop case and purse. The plane was definitely made when people were much smaller than they are these days... Flying was wonderful. A 90 minute flight was much more pleasurable than the 5+ hour car ride. I was concerned how I would feel after flying. I feel fine. I am still having the shoulder pain I discussed with Dr. Glinda, my surgeon, yesterday. Mom said it looks like fluid. I will have The Wizard take a look tomorrow...

Amazing news in terms of spreading awareness! My sorority, Alpha Sigma Tau, has a national magazine called THE CREST. The editor, a lovely lady, emailed me yesterday asking if I could put together an article by this weekend. She said that she thought my story was something our Sisterhood needs to hear. I could not agree more! I spent last night quickly writing an article for the magazine. It sure is hard to say everything I want to say in one article. Thank God for this blog... ;-)

Back to this latest trip, I met Mom at the hotel. We are staying again in Jersey City since the hotel prices are significantly cheaper than in the City. Plus I sleep better...Maybe I am not cut out to be a city girl after all! I value my quiet time a little too much. We were too tired to go into the City tonight so we decided to take the train down to Hoboken. Mom had been talking about Carlo's Bake Shop for the past few trips, so we made the decision to finally go. Wow, what a busy bakery! 

Mom & I decided on red velvet cupcakes, carrot cake cupcakes, and 2 cookies. I have had one of the red velvet cupcakes and here's my verdict: Cake Boss is famous for a good reason. They are DELICIOUS! Nom...nom...nom! Lisa, one of the sister's, was at the bakery, and came out to thank everyone for coming in. She was very nice...very normal. 

Mom and I decided to head back to the hotel since tomorrow is going to be such a hectic day. There we are, standing on a side street, waiting for traffic to clear, when I make eye contact with a man on the other side of the street. He smiles. I smile. And then it hits me....

"Oh! Oh! Oh!" I point over him. He raises his arms like, "Yeah, you got's me!" Mom sees where I am pointing and says, "Oh my God! We were just at your bakery. We hoped to see you." Buddy, the Cake Boss, walks on over to us, thanks us for our business, and agrees to pose for a picture. (Yeah, we were those people...) Mom was just going to take the picture, but he insisted his friend would take the picture and the three of us could all be in it. 

Cake Boss!

I have nothing but kind words for him. He could have easily ignored us, but he didn't. You're a nice guy, Buddy! ;-) (And I was a total starstruck ditz! Sorry, I normally can make words! I swear!)

After we walked away, Mom & I looked at each other and began to laugh. If anything, we expected to see Buddy at the bakery, not on the side of a side street! How random. It made it even more fun.

So,'s the updated schedule for those interested:

I have to be at the outpatient center by 10:30 for some blood work. They need my morning levels before I can start the trial. Then the schedule is the same. 12:15 appointment with my oncologist, The Wizard, 1:00 ultrasound (nervous!) 2:00 Day 1 in the "Chemo Suite." I expect I will be there until 5 PM or so. It is going to be a very long day for us. 

The messages, comments, texts, and phone calls I have received today have meant so much to me. I am nervous, yes, but I know that I am in the care of awesome doctor's who will make sure we make the right decisions for my body. I am confident in that. 

I can do this. After all, I am a fighter. 

Wear sunscreen. XO


  1. Good Luck Chelsea. I heard a lecture by a melanoma expert last week. There is so much hope around this drug. He said, "This what melanoma has been waiting for." Stay well.
    Hugs for strength

  2. I stumbled upon your blog after I was diagnosed with melanoma last month. You are an inspiration. Stay well and stay strong I will continue to follow your blog and pray for you.
