Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Baseball! (And a quick update.)

I guess I have been quite the slacker in terms of posting blog updates! The last week has been busy! Health wise I felt great. No tummy issues. No itchiness. No fevers or chills. I had no complaints up until today. I went to see Hangover II (I laughed...a lot.)  and the chills started hitting me. Have I mentioned that I hate feeling feverish? I hate the way the inside of my mouth feels! It gets so dry and HOT. Anyway, minus that & one heck of a headache, I am feeling OK. I would compare it to how you feel right before you get the flu.

Last Wednesday my Mom, Step Dad & I were invited to go watch the Nationals vs. Cardinals in DC. I had never been to a professional baseball game before so I was quite interested to see what all the fuss is about. Little did I know, we had amazing seats in the Lexus Presidents Suite. The dinner was delicious, the service during the entire game was awesome, and the seats were outstanding. Thank you again, Sharpley's! I had fun! Here are pictures from our trip.

Our family friend! He was my date for the day.

The ladies watching batting practice before our seats were available.

Not a very good picture
but the Club was very nice.

We made it on TV! 
(That's to the DVR and a cell phone,
we saw this.)

Opinion after my first professional baseball game? Fun times! The game itself was uneventful...Nationals won 10-0. It was a great experience though. I even got to see an old friend! :-)

I promise to update more tomorrow...I am in need of rest.

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