Monday, June 6, 2011

Prayer Request

Sometimes our friends need our help. This is one of those times.

If you have been in "Hotel Melanoma" (As my buddy Rich calls it!) for a while, you are probably familiar with Tina who writes PALE SKIN IS IN Her blog is actually the first one I came across when I began my journey. She has had quite the battle, but Tina has always kept her positive attitude...even on her hardest days.

Now she needs our help. Her Mom posted last night that she was being moved to ICU. Her heart was only functioning at 15%. Please pray for her strength and healing. Please pray for her family. Please send Tina and her family your thoughts, good juju, and prayers.

They are desperately needed.


  1. Tina was one of the first to contact me when I started to blog...she seems like such a special lady and I always felt that she is such a bright shining light. I saw the update earlier and have been sending crossed fingers, prayers and thoughts to her all day. Thanks for posting this request on your blog.
