Monday, July 18, 2011

18 days later...

I have been pretty darn lucky in regards to the short amount of time I have had to wait for pathology reports. I mean, 5 days after 2 full lymph node dissections, Dr. Glinda, my surgeon at Sloan Kettering, had the report ready for me. This time, for one little tiny mole, I had to wait 18 days for the results.

Have you ever had to wait for important lab results? If so, you feel my pain.

Although I was not overly concerned with the mole, I did have a sinking feeling in my gut when the nurse told me she could not give me the results until the doctor was back in the office. I have friends who have received pathology reports from their nurses, and the way that she insisted I wait for the doctor made me feel a tad bit uneasy. I wanted the results. Good, bad, or ugly, I wanted them.

At 6:30 this evening, I received a voicemail saying that everything was fine. The mole showed no signs of melanoma.

Deep sigh of relief.

Of course I did not want the mole to be a melanoma for the obvious reasons, but I truly did not want to be kicked out of the trial. I knew that if I showed evidence of disease, I would be kicked off of the trial immediately. I am about the head for round 4, I don't want to be booted out now!

It should come as no surprise that being told that I am still NED lifted a huge weight from my shoulders. I know that tonight I will sleep more peacefully.


  1. Wow, that really was a long wait!!! So very happy for you to get the all clear on the mole :) and in regards to your "Funk" post, go easy on yourself. I get into funks for no apparent reason and I'm not fighting melanoma. You strike me as amazingly positive, optimistic and are entitled to your funks and don't need to make apologies or explanations. Just feel how you feel. Don't change it. Can you tell I am into yoga? Anyway, that is fantastic news about the biopsy!!

  2. I am truly considering finding a yoga class! I think it would help me! :-)
