Tuesday, November 1, 2011

And It Begins

It is time for me to step away from my almost normal life & go back to being a cancer patient. (Do I sound bitter? I'm not.............well, I am not too bitter. I will be better in the morning. I promise.)

Because life is going to be hectic, I thought I would post my schedule here:

Tomorrow morning, November 2nd, at 8 am, my Pop heads in for surgery. I truly hate that I will not be there with my Gran and Pop. Pop has a special, special place in my heart, as most of you know. Knowing he is going through a big surgery, and I literally cannot be there, makes me sad and frustrated. If you could send some good juju his way, I know my family will be extremely grateful.

Two of my Molemates, Brandi & Becca, are also heading in for scans this week. These beautiful YOUNG ladies are true fighters. Please send prayers to them. They have both had such a rough year. They DESERVE good news.

11/2/2011: 9:00 I have my 3 month dermatologist appointment with Dr. Cool Guy. It has been a while since I have seen him since I had my last skin check at Sloan Kettering, so I know we will have a lot to catch up on.

12:45 I fly to Newark, NJ where I will meet my mom! (The best part about having to travel for treatment and scans.)


10:30 I meet with an Ophthalmologist at Memorial Sloan Kettering. Because Yervoy is known to cause inflammation of the eye, my oncologist, The Wizard, is following protocol.

11:30 I begin drinking my yummy (ha!) scan juice. My 3 month scans will follow consumption of that disgusting red juice.

1:45 FREEDOM! Mom & I plan to fully enjoy your afternoon and hopefully meet up with some fellow melanoma warriors.


9:00 I head back to Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center to meet with The Wizard for blood work, check-up, and scan results. (Prayers please.)

11:00 Assuming my results are great, I will head for my next dose of treatment.

5 PM: Assuming all news is good news, I will celebrate with my Momma.

11/5/2011 I fly back home.

Phew. It is a big week for my family. Emotions are running high, patience is running thin. I have to believe that everything will be OK. I have to believe that.....But honestly, "I can't help but be scared of it all sometimes."

I'm saying goodnight to the Internet world. I need some cuddle time with my guy.

Write to you soon from NYC!


  1. You are in our thoughts and prayers today, Chelsea!! All the best for the upcoming scans and your Pop's surgery.

  2. When approaching a big week at the Hotel like you're having, I try to remind myself of something Dr. Lewis (f/k/a Dr. Death) told me several years ago. If I ever experience an internal metastasis, I'll be the first to know it and, meanwhile, if I feel fine I almost certainly am. He's also told me that there's a very low probability than a scan will show something of real concern that the both of us don't already strongly suspect is there based on the symptoms I'm feeling and what he's seeing, hearing or feeling in a physical examination. My thoughts and prayers are with you this week.

  3. Hey Chelsea, I'm thinking of you today and read about your annoying flight. I would have told the kicking man that you just had a peice of your back cut out. Some people are jerks. I'm worried about you having to stay still for the scans while laying on your back, which will be sore. I hope you don't hurt.
    I'm still waiting on my scan results. I drank one bottle of scan juice (ugh!) and I had a brain MRI and a PET. My good wishes are with you and I hope everything goes great so you can get back to living your life!!

  4. Chelsea,
    You are such an inspiration to me! No more base tanning to my fair skin with freckles. Who was I kidding? It took 23 yr old "you" to get thru to almost 56 yr old "me"! I've even had had pre cancerous moles, etc. removed. What was I thinking? I hoping you have great news as you and all of your melanoma buds deserve it! <3
