Monday, November 14, 2011

Believe You Can

I have quite a bit to write about, but I very little energy to do so tonight. Who knew a tooth ache could be so painful?! Ouch. Want to hear something silly? I fear my oncologist just as much as I fear the dentist. That sounds ridiculous, right? I mean, a dentist is a dentist. Oh well...we all have irrational fears, I guess.

I also fear clowns...don't judge me.

Y'all know I love to meet my blog readers & melanoma friends in person. Well, this past Friday I got to meet two beautiful blog followers in person! Mr. Spots had told me that he used to work with these two girls and that they had been introduced to my blog by a mutual co-worker. I thought that they just read my blog in the beginning; however, they have kept up to date and fuss at their girlfriends who tan. It was so humbling to meet them in person and know that they are sharing my experience to help others. You girls are gorgeous! Thanks for reading!!

As you know, I am heading to Charlotte, NC THIS Saturday for the Aim at Melanoma walk. I am so excited to participate in this event with my family and friends. I will be sure to take a lot of pictures and notes. You will get the full scoop.

Until next time.......XOXO

1 comment:

  1. You are a beautiful person and I can tell by what you write that God is helping you get through this. Keep fighting and never give up.
    Thank you for sharing your blog with others who are fighting Skin cancer. I myself am a skin cancer survivor ,all thou I will fight this the rest of my life. Please come visit all my blogs and join by following me. Its important that we share our story's so we can help others.
