Sunday, December 11, 2011

I know, I know...I have been a slacker this past week. I have been totally consumed by Harry Potter and exhaustion. I fought a pretty rough sinus infection this week. I will get back to posting more regularly soon, I promise.

I just wanted to post a Hi, hope you are well, and a request that you would please say a prayer for a newly diagnosed warrior Andy and his wife Erin as they head into his SLN biopsy tomorrow. We all know how scary it is. Please send positive juju their way.

In case you haven't seen this video--Dear 16 Year Old Me--check it out & make sure you share it with your friends, especially younger folks. No matter how many times I watch it, it still gets to me.

Now please excuse me as I go curl up on this cold Sunday night and watch Miracle on 34th Street. It's a classic.

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