Saturday, February 4, 2012

World Cancer Day!

I am feeling much better today! The suspicious thing popping out of my neck is completely gone! The nodes behind my ears are still swollen but the pain is NO where near what it was yesterday. Apparently a few extra hours of sleep and a stress free morning will do wonders for my body.

I hope you have a wonderful Saturday...

Oh, and remember! It is World Cancer Day. Honor those who have been touched by ANY type of cancer in some type of way. Schedule your yearly exam, stop smoking for good this time, grab a partner and check your boobies and skin! Do whatever you can do to live as healthy as you can.


  1. I love this and am going to share your World Cancer Day advice on my fb page, if you don't mind!
    Hope you continue to feel better and have a great weekend.
    : )

  2. A month ago, my aunt was diagnosed cancer of the ovary, we were so devastated and so afraid. Here in the philippines, it's devastating cancer support group is not that active and accessible.
    As of the moment she's battling with chemo and others.
    I wish I was there to take good care of her.
    But i can help by giving her ur link, for it was full of encouragement and positive vibes.
    Been reading ur blog a long time now nways:))

  3. I can't stress how important early detection is! If you have any doubts, see a doctor.
    Thank you for sharing your experience!
