Sunday, April 8, 2012

25 Candles.

I never knew how thankful I would be to turn a year older until the possibility of not aging became real. Today I add another candle to my birthday cake, and in all honesty, I could not be more grateful. I wish to add as many candles to my cake as I possibly can. This girl does not fear old age!

As today is Easter, we celebrated my birthday last night. Mr. Spots gave me the most beautiful ring to help remember this special day.

My mom visited last weekend and insisted I wear one of my presents from her on my actual birthday:
After all, a special birthday deserves a special Lilly Pulitzer.

Both of my sisters and their significant others joined us for a night on the town:

I am so grateful for the love that I am shown every single day, but especially thankful for the extra love today. I am an incredibly lucky and thankful 25 year old. (25! Where did time go?!!! I still feel like I should be 15...) As always, when it comes down to it, I am just thankful to be alive. It is that simple.

I think I will start planning my 50th birthday party tomorrow!  ;-)


  1. Happy Birthday! Congratulations on 25! Gorgeous ring (and very fitting!)!

  2. Happy one day late Birthday!!!!! 25 is a good year:-)

  3. Happy Belated birthday dear girl, well done!
    "On your birthday let the passage of time remind you to live passionately and plunge into the infinity of every moment"
    I found your inspiring blog via Erin at Melanoma in the City - another amazing and inspiring young woman.
    Fond wishes to you
