Tuesday, April 10, 2012

It's Time!

The time has come again for my 3 month scans and treatment session in NYC. This time I am READY to see The Wizard. I want him to look at the rash covering my arms, legs, and belly, and tush. Rash update:

I called my dermatologist at Sloan yesterday and tried to schedule an appointment with him. I was told his first available appointment is in August. Obviously, that will not work for me. I called The Wizard and asked to speak to my favorite nurse. She called me back about 30 minutes later and asked that I email her updated rash pictures. I sent them to her last evening and another nurse called back today saying they would definitely get me in with someone on Friday. Yes! It is needed! 

Here is my schedule for the next few days:

*I fly out of Roanoke tomorrow morning. I will meet Mom & head into the city. 
*Thursday I have a special meeting with my friends at The Skin Cancer Foundation. (More to come on that later!)
*Thursday at 3 pm I have my scans. Woo! Scan juice! (Gag.)
*Thursday night I have a dinner with 2 special ladies--We are members of a group called Cancer Chicks. I am looking forward to meeting up with them in person!
*Friday morning I meet with The Wizard at 9 am for a check-up and scan results. *Prayers please.*
*Depending on results, I will head to the Chemo suite for my next treatment session.

I have a fellow Molemate who is also receiving scan results this week. Please pray that Nick hears that his drug is shrinking his tumors. He's a great guy. Check out his blog: http://melanomafighter.blogspot.com/

If you could send some prayers our way, I know we both would greatly appreciate it.


  1. absolutely will do. I will be sending you lots of prayer and good positive thoughts. and ditto for Nick. I hope you have a wonderful time in the city and that you have very good news to share friday night or Saturday. Big hugs to you Chelsea.

  2. Many prayers and crossed fingers for a great visit! And congrats on The Skin Cancer Foundation news...I look forward to reading more!

  3. Prayers for a safe trip and good news with the doctors!

  4. Thoughts and prayers are with you Chelsea - can't wait to read the great news after your scan results. Will head over to Nick's blog too, and keep him in my prayers as well!

  5. Prayers from a lurker who has been eagerly awaiting your entries for the past few months! :)
