Thursday, May 3, 2012

"Young Woman's Enemy: Skin Cancer"

I kept telling everyone yesterday that there must be a full moon because I was having a ridiculously crazy day!

Then I opened my email: "I saw your video and blog. Wow, good for you for speaking out! I work with Dr Drew on HLN’s Dr Drew. We are discussing tanning beds and melanoma tonight on our show. Any way you can join us via phone or skype or on camera? We are on at 9pm et. Thanks." She posted her phone number. Honestly, when I first read it, I thought it was a joke.

I emailed the person back, then I decided it was best to call because I wanted to see if it was a scam or not. A lady answered immediately, "Headline News!" I introduced myself and began a great conversation with the lady who had emailed me. It was legitimate. They wanted me on their show.

The show went well. Dr. Drew was very kind to me and I have nothing negative to say about him or the show itself. I knew going into it that the topic was about the crazy tan New Jersey mom who allegedly took her 5 year old daughter in the tanning booth with her. I got to toss in a few "it's not just skin cancer" remarks, but the majority of the show was dedicated to audience members calling in with their opinions. Still, I was very honored that they contacted me to put a face to Melanoma!

Today I met my baby sister for lunch and coffee to gossip about the events from last night. As I was leaving the parking garage, my phone rang. It was an unusual phone number but I decided to answer anyway. It was someone calling from Headline News! Would I be available for a phone interview at 4:05 pm? Of course!

I had no idea what to expect. I thought that we would be discussing Tan Mom again like the previous night on Dr. Drew. I had no idea that the segment would be about me and my adventure with Melanoma. 

I have not seen the actual videos. I have asked HLN to send me a link with the interview from today, but I have not heard back yet. Fingers crossed!

I want to give HLN and Dr. Drew a big THANK YOU for allowing me the opportunity to share my story nationwide. Both Dr. Drew and Christi Paul were very kind to me and I greatly appreciate it. These last 24 hours have been a whirlwind, but I could not be more honored.

Melanoma, I'm personally attacking YOU.



  1. that is so cool! i want to see the videos!

  2. Woo Hoo!!!Congratulations to you!!

  3. Watch out, melanoma! Great post, Chelsea and awesome interview! This lady showed some class and respect and enabled you to get a good word out. Hallelujah! Can't wait to see what today holds!

  4. Wow! Amazing!! Congrats Chelsea!!!! Post the HLN and Dr. Drew links when you get them!!

  5. That is amazing and I am so happy for you!

  6. Fantastic, many people are inspired by your fight!
