Saturday, July 28, 2012

Changes Are Coming

I have a lot of big ideas rolling around in my head, a lot of opportunities that are available. Even though I know I should jump at said opportunities, I feel scared. What if I decide it doesn't make me happy? What if I am portrayed in a way I don't wish for others to see? What happens if I accept a position that brings more stress? Oh goodness! Change makes this girl nervous! 

All I can do is try.

If I fail, I fail.



  1. Life without new challenges would be pretty boring.
    Jump and take the leap of faith- you are not alone in anything that you do, so even if you do fail, you have an amazing support team that will help you get back up, dust off and push on:-)

  2. Your blog inspires me daily and I love it. I Just wanted to say that on July 27th my father lost his battle to melanoma. In the end it was two large blood clots on his lungs that killed him, but the melanoma helped them form. I am sending your blog to everybody I know so they can become knowledgeable and learn that it truly can happen to ANYONE. Thank you for being an inspiration. Thank you.
