Monday, July 9, 2012

Dear Kim K,

I realize you are a beautiful and hard-working lady. I do not doubt your intelligence. However, I do question why, even after you step-father had a recent skin cancer scare, you still visit tanning salons. Did his experience not shake you? Do you not realize the dangers that those coffin-like beds bring? Are you unaware of how many young people look up to you?

I am giving you the benefit of the doubt that you were heading to the salon for simply a spray tan.

That's what you were doing, right?

A girl who learned a tan isn't worth it.

1 comment:

  1. She has actually talked in previous episodes about how she only spray tans. Granted, she literally does it every day, but she made fun of her little sister for how orange she looked after her spray tan (even though she does it herself...granted, I have never seen her look orange). It makes me sad that I know this much about the Kardashians' lives and that I can quote episodes. I think I have a problem. Lol
