Thursday, August 16, 2012

Always, Sometimes, Never

As the author of this little blog I get to publish what I want to share with you guys. While my passion is talking all things melanoma, I thought I'd let you into my life a little bit tonight with a fun new link-up with some other awesome ladies. Remember that drinking game "Never Have I Ever?" Seriously, if you have not played it, Google it now, grab your sorority sisters, and prepare yourself for an awesome (and super tipsy) night with the gals! This game is similar to that; however, it's a Thursday, and I have that (often dramatic) desk job to attend tomorrow, so you get the behaved version tonight.

Oh. If you wish to read about my Ah-HA moment I had today, click here.


Always, Sometimes, Never

I always bring my sister with me if I'm looking to have a fun time.
I sometimes crave Waffle House on nights like the one above.
I never make this face without the assistance of adult juice boxes.

I always miss the friends I made in Richmond.
I sometimes wonder how that year after college
was crazier than the 4 years in college.
Although fun, I never want to repeat that year again.

I always have that to say to Melanoma.
(Please excuse my tan. This was in St. John, USVI. Pre-Melanoma.)
I sometimes judge fake & bakers more than I should.
(Don't you girls watch the news?!)
I never know where this adventure with melanoma
is going to take me,
but I'm here & I'm ready!

The Daily Tay


  1. I am so happy I stumbled across your blog! My dad is a melanoma skin cancer survivor, and I am a huge advocate for taking care of your skin! You are such an inspiration! I can't wait to read more about your journey and the work you do to help others!!!


  2. You are so inspiring young lady!! I had a pre-cancerous spot removed about 3 years ago and have not been anywhere near the sun without some SPF since then!! I have always lived by the idea that our biggest fears, failures, and triumphs are what will lead us to our greatest Ministry to others! And that's exactly what is happening in your life. What a blessing you are!
    And guess what- you are my Postcard Pretty partner through Lyzz's awesome linkup!!
    Email me at and send me your information and I will send you mine back!! I could not be more excited :)
