Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Live in Roanoke

The interview that I participated in
yesterday with our local 
WSLS Channel 10
was posted on their website tonight
after it aired on the 6 pm and 7 pm news!

Please watch and let me know what you think!

My favorite parts from the interview:

1) There was a sun safety commercial on before my part.
2) I realized how true it is: I am going to be a cancer patient forever...
All because I wanted a tan...
a tan that fades.
3) Lindsey said the interview caused her to think differently
about sunbathing and the need for a dermatologist.
4) Statistics were shared.

The shirts that were sold as a benefit in April 2011

 Again, I owe Lindsey Ward of WSLS a huge thank you for allowing  me to share my story.
Lindsey and the awesome cameraman  (whose name I am forgetting--Mike? Mark? I'm sorry! I thought you were awesome!)
You both rock!


  1. You are awesome for doing what you are doing. I am 31 and just like you, I loved to sun bathe when I was younger..... but I am starting to see all the damage the sun has caused my skin. Moles that won't go away, sun spots, old looking skin.... I just was not aware of the horrible things I was doing to myself. That is why you are awesome.... awareness is everything. Thank you, you are very brave!!

  2. So great- loved the interview. Your quote at the end is awesome.......all for a tan that fades. Thanks again for spreading awareness!

  3. I did not know you were a fellow VA girl! :) I grew up near Roanoke. As always, thanks for all the work you do in spreading the word!

  4. Thank you all for your kind words! I won't stop spreading the word until I am FORCED! :-)
