Friday, September 21, 2012

Moon Shooting With 3 Billion Dollars

Did you hear that news?

Did you hear the amazing news?

Well, did you?!?!

MD Anderson announced today that they will begin a new program targeting 8 cancers with hopes of decreasing the amount of deaths brought on by said cancers. Melanoma is included in that group.

Do you know what this means for us?

Money to develop prevention screenings.
Money to develop other treatments. (Remember, options are limited for advanced melanoma.)
Money to work towards a cure.

I suggest you visit this site and learn more about this amazing news for cancer patients around the world. 

MD Anderson is aiming to change lives dramatically, all with 3 billion dollars, dedicated researchers, and patients who will sometimes feel like lab rats.

This is another reason to believe that one day there will be a cure for my friends and I.

1 comment:

  1. How awesome, and God I pray and hope that one day it will happen!
