Thursday, October 4, 2012

Ass Kicking

I am being a bad blogger friend again.
We're trying to find the house. 
We have the kiddo this week.
I'm on week 2 of my brand new government job.
I have a long road trip ahead of me,
a whole lot to pack,
a speech to give for The Skin Cancer Foundation,
CT scans to receive,
and a visit to the chemo suite.
I'm a tad bit busy this week so by the time I get to the couch,
I'm ready for bed.

I head to NYC on Monday, speech is on Tuesday, scans are on Thursday,
treatment is on Friday.
I will try to update my Facebook and Twitter as soon as I receive my scan results.
Please pray for no evidence of disease. 
As usual, I am scared.
I have one more prayer request.
My sweet friend Erin is in the hospital recovering from a surgery
that removed a malignant tumor the size of a baseball
from her intestines.
She's totally a rock star.
Please send love and juju her way for healing and a successful treatment.
Giving up is not an option.


  1. Praying for no evidence of disease! Rest up and keep up the great attitude :)

  2. God love ya both Chelsea - giving up is definitely NOT an option. Both of you have too much to accomplish yet! And lots more to do!
    I've been over to Erins site to say hi and wish her well. What a warrior.
    You are indeed a very busy lady at this time Chelsea, do remember to take a teeny bit of time just for 'you' to kick back and chill out as my kids would say. :)
    Of course you're scared brave girl, but there's so many prayers whizzing around out there, you can't have anything but a good result!

  3. Prayers and happy thoughts for a great trip and lots of rest!!!

  4. God you are so strong. I'll be praying for you & have been everyday. Your going to get through this!!!
