Sunday, October 14, 2012

Safe & Sound

Well, after one exciting week, I am back in my apartment with Mr. Spots and heading back to work tomorrow. I think I am still in disbelief over the entire week.

 On Monday my luggage was lost. Then there was a hiccup with our hotel reservation. (Yes, I was in panic mode.)

Tuesday morning I was scheduled to ask Bryan Cranston (AKA, Walter White--Breaking Bad) a question on Anderson Cooper's show and had to cancel at the last minute due to the late taping of the show. (This girl had a hair and make-up appointment to get to!) 

Then there was the amazing gala at The Plaza Tuesday night. 

A day of rest on Wednesday. 

A post season baseball game at Yankees stadium on Thursday night. 

 My mom, my sorority sister and I 

Oh! I am so excited to tell you that the Yankee stadium sells sunscreen at their kiosks! Yay!

Friday--after my amazing clear scan results which I will blog about in detail when I'm not sleep deprived--I had to wait for OVER 3 hours for my treatment, rush back to the hotel to get our bags, and head to the airport where we arrived at our local airport at midnight. It was a long day.

Yesterday was fully enjoyed by spending the day with my family and today I made the 6 hour drive back to the 'Noke. 

Now, I am exhausted. 

The week has finally caught up with me just in time to go back to work tomorrow!

Sweet dreams, friends. We'll gossip soon, I promise.

*Dear Blogger, how did I go from 240,000 hits to only 60? Way to reset the statistics...Boo!


  1. wow sounds like an eventful week. I am glad that you got a few days of rest. and YAY for the clean scan!! my blog hits reset too. sad day. oh well.

  2. Hi chelsea! I am a new follower of yours via messy dirty hair! you are so beautiful and so glad that you're sharing your story with all of us!! Ive had my fair share of medical issues..soo happy to have found you. I enjoy baseball too-not so much the game, but the cute guys lol.
