Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Another Chance at Life

I  can hardly stop shaking enough
to write this post.
I do not know how to start it, so I am just going to blurt it out.

Dr. Charlotte Ariyan, AKA Dr. Glinda the Good Witch--
for her beautiful smile, her curly blonde hair,
and because she is my protector against my enemy melanoma-
 gave me the best news of my life today.

ALL of my lymph nodes that were removed
on Thursday
came back NEGATIVE for melanoma.

Yes, you read it right:

Thank you God.
Thank you to my amazing, AMAZING doctors.
Thank you to my could-not-live-without family.
Thank you to my friends...close and far.

I have a lifetime of fighting ahead of me,
I will always have Stage III Melanoma,
but right now...
I have No Evidence of Disease.

Today...is the best day of my life.

*I will post more when I can think clearly. As you can imagine, I am in shock.


  1. Absolutely amazing, my dear! I am grinning from ear to ear right along with you! I bet you can't even contain yourself right now! So very proud of you!!!!

  2. I just breathed a sigh of relief. Congrats, I am SO happy for you!!!

  3. I know how you feel.....got the same news last July. I am still stage 3b with no evidence of disease and pray I can say that for years to come. I am older than you (42)...but still too young for all this!

  4. I don't care how old we are...I don't think any of us deserve any type of cancer. The way that it is completely unpredictable terrifies me. I hope you are able to continue to say you are NED, Michelle! :-)

    Tina, thank you for continuing to keep up with me! I know you are busy with your own trials...XO

    and Yes...I was in shock all day. I think I still am?
