Monday, March 28, 2011

Making A Difference

Today a stranger quit her job at a tanning salon
and quit tanning after hearing my story.

I was doing my job of doing nothing but resting when my sister sent me a text message today.
"My friend at work quit working at a tanning salon and tanning because of you."

I have never met this girl...she only knows me from Cara, --and I know this is going to sound dramatic--but my story could have saved her life today. At the very least, it will keep her wrinkle free for longer. ;-)

I have often wondered what the "meaning" behind all of this cancer craziness, but today I feel like it is worth something...I am making a difference.

And I am pretty darn proud of myself.


  1. That is awesome, Chelsea! You are definitely making a difference. Your are not only saving lives, you are making this horrible journey easier for folks like me. I feel so fortunate to have "met" you and am so inspired by your strength, courage and humor through this all. :)

  2. I am SO incredibly proud of you, too! You're making a HUGE difference. I never went to the tanning bed much except for proms and my wedding, but I won't set foot in another bed as long as I live, thanks to you! My SPF will always be in hand, too!
