Monday, March 28, 2011

Freedom, Freedom, Freeeeeedom!

I got released from the hospital a few hours ago! I will post a full update later but I am back in the hotel, minus one drain, all clean--thanks to Mom and some creative maneuvering--and in fresh PJ's. I still have the stylish drain in my left arm but the right one was removed this morning.

As you can see, there is no hiding this baby! It makes dressing very difficult.

Oh, and you should have seen the looks I received from the New York City folks. I am sure I was a pretty picture...standing on the sidewalk, numerous flower arrangements, a Vera Bradley bag, two teddy bears, and a pillow. Oh..and my bloody drain that was visible even though I had a jacket over me.

Nothing like making a scene! ;-)

Nap time!!


  1. Great job girl!! You look really good!

  2. Thank you! I feel pretty decent...all things considered! My arms are becoming more swollen and painful. Things are starting to wake up! Good thing for pain pills. ;-)

    Hope you're feeling well!

  3. It's New York, I'm sure you looked normal! Congrats on the good news!
