Thursday, August 18, 2011

Introducing Zelboraf

I know I have been slacking in the blogging department. I have been under the weather this week...Thank you to everyone who sent me the GREAT news about FDA approving Zelboraf (formally known as vemurafenib.) It is VERY exciting for people in Hotel Melanoma. It seems so crazy that in January--just 7 months ago--there was only one drug available. Now we have 3! I hope progress continues!

To read the article posted on FDA's website, click here.

An article posted here shares what Dr. Anna Pavlick, director of the NYU Melanoma Program at the NYU Cancer Institute, New York City, said in a University statement. "The approval of Zelboraf will make a significant impact on the survival and outcomes of advanced melanoma patients, Pavlick added. Patients taking the drug Zelboraf were 63 percent less likely to die from advanced melanoma than patients given standard chemotherapy alone, she noted."

Of course this drug will not work for everyone, but this is a great thing for the melanoma world. I have had the opportunity to casually get to know a young mother who has been taking this drug in a clinical trial and she is doing SO well. It is amazing to hear and see her enjoying life with her children thanks to this drug. She is an inspiration to me.

I always wonder who decides on the names of these drugs? Why must they sound so...complicated? ;-)

Happy Thursday, friends.

(Sorry about my slacking. I'll be back to normal soon. XOXO.)


  1. Great news isn't it! I hope you get to feeling better. And thanks for the link-- my blog always gets a bunch of traffic when you do this. Take care.

  2. I have been taking the new drug for 10 weeks now and have had amazing success! Thank god for the new approval and willingness to fast track this drug even though it wont work on everyone. The difference is amazing how i am feeling.

    randi :)
