Monday, August 22, 2011

Still Here....

Just a quick HELLO to tell you all I'm still kicking. I've been stuck in bed with some serious I-Don't-Feel-Good symptoms. Note to other people who get a severe stomach bug/side effects: Do not let yourself get dehydrated! It makes things 100000 times worse.

Thanks to all of you who have emailed and called to see why I have been MIA. I'll be back soon...Promise.


  1. I hope you get to feeling better soon. Maybe it's Ipi doing some serious butt kicking?

  2. Hi Chelsea,
    I really hope you are feeling better!!! I'm hoping it's the clinical trial making you feel lousy as it kills the cancer :) I personally had a "suspicious mole" removed today (irregular borders, mottled, large) and of course thought of you....I'm guessing derms remove these all the time and usually they are benign? I don't was very strange to hear him call it "suspicious."
