Sunday, April 22, 2012

One Realization

I found out today that one of my (very supportive) sorority sisters is still using the tanning bed. She said that she knows the dangers, she sees what is happening with me, but once or twice won't kill her. I have not seen her or talked to her about her (addictive?) tanning habits, I assumed that based on how supportive she has been with me, she began to value her skin and quit visiting Home of Melanoma--AKA the tanning salon. It makes me sad to know that a tan still exceeds the risks for her.

What can ya do though? She has to make the decision that is best for her. I know that. I support that. I just hope she learns before melanoma happens to her or someone she loves. I know that for this one girl who is still tanning there are SO MANY others who have stopped. I am so proud of them. These people have realized that the risks just aren't worth the "healthy glow." Sure, people may tease them about their "pale" skin, but so what? Not only are they taking out a risk factor for melanoma, they are going to have far prettier skin than their friends. Hello, what's attractive about  looking wrinkled and leather-ish?

See what the Today Show had to say this past week about skin cancer:

My heart sank a bit when I heard about this sorority sister. But like Ms. Lovato said, the only person who can save you is yourself. All I can do is put the information out there and hope that she will "get it" before she actually gets it.


  1. big big sigh. We live in Oregon and have had 2 unseasonably sunny and warms days and it's all over the news and a part of me just wants to scream "You Fool!" i'm now into weak 3 of zelboraf, covered top to bottom with some kind of massive sub derminal reddish bumps, just bout $350 of REI UVF clothing so I can be outside even for a little while. Just started on another drug to counter act the side effects and if any of them knew how eager we would trade with them and take better care of that body than they are.

    Chelsea you are doing an amazing job of spreading "the gospel" not everyone is going to listed to us and it's even harder when it's someone we're closse to but everyone lives with their decisions.

    Keep the faith girl. there's a saying the the AA Big Book "Progress not Perfection" and it's helped me on many an occasion.

  2. well i did a horrible job writing that post. must be the side effects of the drugs for the side effects of Zelboraf...
    I meant to say "We live in Oregon and have had 2 unseasonably sunny and warm days and it's all over the news. The newscasts showed lots and lots of people on the water, bike riders bare shirted, etc etc and I'll bet they pooh pooh the connection between sunburned and mel. I used to be just like that and now a part of me just wants to scream "You Fools!"

    Chelsea you are doing an amazing job of spreading "the gospel" not everyone is going to listen to us and it's even harder when it's someone we're close to but everyone lives with their decisions.

    Keep the faith girl. there's a saying the the AA Big Book "Progress not Perfection" and it's helped me on many an occasion. I get to see my onc tomorrow to tune my dosage. Big hug to you.
