Thursday, April 19, 2012

Shout Out

I was browsing my News Feed on Facebook tonight and I realized that although I am celebrating my good news, some of my friends are struggling. This message is for them.

My Cancer Friends inspire me so much more than any celebrity. These folks are the real rock stars.

Special love goes out to Jennifer & Ron tonight. You know you have prayers coming from Virginia.


  1. Thanks Chelsea. i just took my 23rd dose of Zelboraf, started a week ago last Monday,4 pills in the morning, 4 piles at night. had the weekly consultation with my Onc - no nickname for him yet. I'm responding. I asked him if he can get MEK or anyt of the new "my Z isn't working anymore" and his response was - yup. I've got a nasty cough, still. i had 9 radiation treatments on the biggest mass which was contributing to a partial lobe collapse and blockage of the airway. I have at least a bad 2nd degree front and back and both Oncs agreed time to stop. I can talk The dog for a longer walk and do stuff outside in full UVF camo. I asked him if we could reasoably expect 2 more years (I'm 62 and have a relatively short bucket list) and he said, after all the factrs about individual response that he thought I will. that takes a bit of the sting out of this beast.

    I hope you have a great, rejuvenating weekend C!

  2. Blessings Chelsea. I don't know how I found you, but glad I did. Healthy wishes for many years to come. :o)

  3. Hi Chelsea - i've been on Zelboraf and radiation for two weeks as of tomorrow., some breathing problems, i think because Im getting radation on the left top lobe to open it up. Asked Dr Pierce kind of a 40's college looking student. we review lot of my pre=existing conditions. The drug is working. the onc nurse on his on-call system said I should reduce the dose by half, don't push right now and talk to Dr P. i've had this cough, an increasingly worse one since the kids came down from seatttle. i didn't think this would a walk in the park but neither do i think it's samo samo. I know Dr P, once of Onc Nurses or Kellie his specialist will come up with something that will help. didn't get out of bed today till 12:34
    and thank you for the pravers I absolutely they make a differemce so i've asked anybody who asks to add our family and m to youre nighthly prayers.

    I pray for you morning and nght for courage, endurance to be surrounded by angel who hold you in their arms and was all your earthly problemss.
