Thursday, May 31, 2012

I Am Somebody.

Melanoma Awareness Month is going out with a bang for me! This has been such an exciting day that I do not even know where to begin. First of all, thank all of you for putting up with my many Facebook posts this month. Just a warning, they won't be ending just because May is over. As one melanoma friend told me, we are lifers when it comes to sharing awareness!

I rushed home during my lunch break to pick-up a box from Fed-Ex today. The box contained copies of the 2012 Skin Cancer Foundation Journal!

As I have mentioned before, I am so honored to have played a part in the Skin Cancer Foundation's journey toward raising awareness. I think the Foundation itself is incredible and the people who work for them are absolutely amazing. The folks that I met in the office in April were so kind and inspirational. They, without a doubt, are saving lives. I want to thank them again for including me in this project.

What project am I mentioning? I was a part of their article about teenagers who have used tanning beds. I was included with 2 other girls as the new Faces of Melanoma. You can read the article online here; however, I encourage you to purchase the entire Journal for $5.00!

While you are reading the Journal, I encourage you to check out their new program geared towards middle school students. Maybe you can encourage your own local teachers to use this free program to educate their students on the dangers of skin cancer. Oh, and you can check out the interview I did with them here, too! (There are two parts to the interview. One, on the page I linked above and also here.)

As if the release of the Journal was not exciting enough, I also was notified that 2 of my articles were published today on Everyday Health. I would love it if you check out these articles as well. I am proud of both of them. I would love to hear what you think.

One more bit of exciting news, I received my first paycheck for writing. As a lady with a degree in English, I never imagined I would actually accomplish the dream of making a (small) living by sharing the thoughts in my big ol' head. Today, it was shocking to look at that little sum in my bank account and know that someone valued my words enough to slip me a few dollars. I didn't think I had the ability. Heck, I still don't think I have the ability, but I am so proud of myself. I am making my dreams come true. (Oh, and I am using that expensive college degree.)

When I was first diagnosed, I wanted to read the words of people who had experienced this cancer. I wanted a campaign that would encourage me and tell me the truth. I didn't want to just read the facts, I needed to read about the experience. I couldn't find exactly what I was looking for, so after the advice from my mom, I started this blog. I started something that I needed.

...and I am doing things.


  1. I read the journal! Great article and I will be passing it on to everyone I know. Congratulations Chelsea. You are such a great advocate for awareness. I personally have learned SO MUCH from you. Keep it up!

  2. Such wonderful things to celebrate! I am so happy for you and keep up the awesome work. You are an inspiration to many!
