Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Mental Health Week

You may be wondering why I have not posted anything in over a week. There is one reason and one reason only. I am furious at melanoma. Between the news about my sweet "Mole Matey" and hearing that one of my first melanoma friends has received bad news after being clear for over a year, I'm ticked off at this damn cancer.

I cried a lot last week. I'm not the girl who cries often. It takes quite a bit to get me to that point (romance movies and the Star Spangled Banner *don't ask* don't count) so it was an emotionally draining week for me. I was mad because there was not a gosh darn thing I could do to help those who were hurting.

I took a little break from blogging for my own sanity. I'm still on that break; however, I wanted to share this with you.

My molemate, Donna, testified today in Chicago with hopes to ban minors from using tanning salons. I am so proud of her for sharing her story and having the courage to do so in such a public way. You rock, Donna!

Read the article here.

1 comment:

  1. We all need a break sometimes (this coming from someone who is still having vacation brain). Love you!
