Tuesday, September 11, 2012

A Few Friendly Reminders

Where were you on the morning of September 11, 2001 when you heard the news?

I was in my 8th grade Latin class. The vice principal came in, whispered to our teacher, all while another teacher was rolling a TV into the classroom. Then we closed our textbooks and waited to see if it was really true. Then fear set in. Now, 11 years later, we remember those who gave all.

Both were taken on my most recent trip to the 9/11 Memorial

 I have a few things I need to mention before I crawl into bed tonight:

*Did you miss the melanoma patient featured on Stand Up To Cancer? Please watch her portion of the show here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_-4gPEmBINU&sns=fb

*Have you signed up to join me in Charlotte, North Carolina in November for the AIM at Melanoma walk? Please consider joining me! There will be a get together at a local bar that evening where all melanoma warriors and their friends are invited to socialize! Quite a few bloggers will be there including Rich from Hotel Melanoma, Carol from Attitude of Gratitude, and Al from Black is the New Pink. I would love to meet some of my blog readers in NC!

*In 4 weeks from tonight I will be in New York City at The Plaza Hotel for The Skin Cancer Foundation's Gala! I am really starting to become excited. I had a phone conference with the lovely Carla from The Foundation and I'm anxious to start really working on my speech. How intimidating it will be to stand in front of so many people and speak, but we are all there for one reason: We want to put an end to skin cancer.

*I'm going to visit one of my all-time favorite melanoma warriors this weekend and absolutely cannot wait to hug her! It's going to be such a lovely weekend.

Now, I must get some sleep. For some reason I could not sleep well last night. I highly doubt it had anything to do with the crazy episode of Breaking Bad I watched right before bedtime....

1 comment:

  1. Once again, I'm amazed at how small the world is. I missed the show, but have wanted to catch it. Thank you for posting this. I've worked with Pat on clinical trials at Karmanos. She's one of the most down to earth, insanely intelligent, gifted physicians that I've had the hoor to work with. And hearing Hillary's story reinforces why I do what I do. To help people.
