Wednesday, September 12, 2012

It's A Small World After All.

According to many reports, Melanoma is on the rise. 

You're doubting me?

Today, since 10:00 am, I have learned of 3 cases of melanoma.

First: As you all know, I am leaving my current job next Friday to go work at the local VA. I have been training my new co-worker to replace me and she admitted today (without knowing about me! All she saw was a melanoma coffee cup!) that she had stage I Melanoma. (My response: "And you still tan?" That's a post for another day.) She goes back once a year for follow-up appointments.

Second: I received an email from my previous (awesome) boss informing me that her 18 year-old son was diagnosed with melanoma. The are being referred to a surgeon for a wide excision and lymph node biopsy.

Third: A patient called today to cancel an appointment. His wife said, "Honey, he had some areas come back as skin cancer, melanoma, and he has to have surgery."

All 3 things happened today.

Don't tell me that melanoma shouldn't be a major concern of ours. It's happening to people of all ages. Remember, it was only a year and a half ago when I thought melanoma was an old white man disease. Now, it isn't. 

It's happening to the golfer, the college freshman, the mother of 3, the lawyer, the party girl, and the reverend. 

Help me put a stop to it.

Educate yourself, encourage your friends to stop tanning, insist on having that mole removed.


  1. So true Chelsea. It makes me realize how lucky I am. Keep spreading awareness. Now what's the deal with the stage 1 girl who still tans???????

  2. Isn't it so frightening, Chelsea? I am also hearing of more and more melanoma cases. I hope the increased awareness and research somehow slows down this horrible beast.

  3. I couldn't even read the rest of your post after number one. She still TANS?! Seriously is she asking for a death wish! Sorry rant is over for now :)

  4. Even in the small community I live in, there is a noticeable rise! When the 27 y/o father of a toddler is killed by melanoma everyone around here knows and is grieving for the family. As a nurse at the hospital I was dreading having to take care of this man who was a year younger than me, because it was so heartbreaking. The population of this town is approx. 2,500, one of them places where everyone knows everyone. A week after this man's death is when we learned of my Dad's diagnosis. My Dad is a 54 y/o truck driver, spends his mornings hanging out at the coffee shop & throws back a few beers at the bar on the weekend.

    People need to be aware of just how serious this disease is. I was planning to order some 'promotional' sunscreen bottles to use as a way to increase awareness, but wasn't sure where I'd give them out. I'm thinking I'll take them to the local swimming pool and ask that they set them out for people to take for free and include a little message about melanoma awareness with them.

  5. Ugh. My roommate will not stop tanning. Her mother had breast cancer, her dad just had surgery for colon cancer, her 2 aunts both DIED from cancer, and to top it off, she smokes! But nothing I say makes a difference to her. At what point do you just give up and let people live how they choose to?

  6. Talk about 3 strikes! What a random day you had. And, what is up with this chick still tanning?! Is she insane?! Does she have a death wish?! I tried encouraging a workmate NOT to use the UV light at the nail salon, but she confessed she still does and knows I don't like it but only gets it done every 6 weeks so its not much. Grrrrrr. People can be such fools! And that is my rant.
