Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Oops, I Offended You?

I have an occasional issue of saying things that tick people off. 
Sometimes I do it by accident,
sometimes--I feel-- they asked for it.

It happened again today.

Let's introduce today's victim.
She is a brunette who wants to color her hair.
While discussing this,
I happened to notice her fake and bake tan,
so clearly, I had to say something.

Me: "I'm sure it will look lovely. You spray tan, right?!"
Victim: "No, I go in the tanning beds actually."
Me: "Boo. How unfortunate."

Then she made the mistake...
she asked why.

So, I told her.
And there was silence...

I know, I know.
It's none of my business what this stranger does to her skin
--or how old I think it makes her look--
and I promise,
I would have left it alone had she not asked that question,

But she asked.

And you know I'm going to tell.

Protect the skin you're in!

^Besides the health issue,
who really thinks this is a good look?

I'll try to behave...


  1. hahaha that is great! i can just picture the look on her face. I'm that way when people inform me that they smoke and I just say O...well good luck and they ask me why. I think people should just stop asking why, it's safer :)

  2. Sometimes ya just gotta tell 'em like it is.

    Good for you!

  3. Please don't behave! It's important to get the word out!!

  4. Love it, I love honesty! just started following you I'm kinda excited to see what comes next!

