Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Let's Refresh.

Hey y'all!
 It looks like I have a lot of new followers
 & I could not be more excited to have you!

Since many of you are stopping by from other blogs, 
I thought I better do a repeat introduction of myself.

*Having a beer in honor of my melanoma friend
who received good news!

I'm Chelsea, 25, 
and sometimes, I truly wish I could be Carrie Bradshaw.
Minus the fact that I don't have any of her fashion sense,
and I live in a small town in Virginia,
I like to pretend I'm close to Ms. Carrie.
I mean, hell, can I at least have her shoes?


After tanning while I was between the ages 14-21,
I was diagnosed with stage III malignant melanoma at age 23.
...and it sucked.

But I'm a fighter,
and I have an amazing team of doctors and supporters
who keep me on my toes,
and a smile on my face.

Or maybe that was the morphine...

Instead of letting this experience go unnoticed,
and because I will always be a cancer patient,
I am determined to share my story with 
just about anyone who will listen.


Even Headline News.

So, while I blog about many different topics on this site,
one thing remains true:
I want you to realize--and share--
melanoma is not just skin cancer,
and we can prevent it.

Help me.

Thanks for stopping by! 



  1. You're an inspiration and I am sure you're helping to save lives! Reading your blog gave me the push to go to my dermatologist and get checked out. Thank you!

  2. Hi! I found you through the Me, myself and I link party and I just want to say Thank you for your blog. I haven't gotten the chance to read through your past entries yet, but I feel like your journey will help me understand my friend's journey. Late last year, my friend's husband was critically wounded in Afghanistan and she shortly found out she has Melanoma. So, THANK YOU!

  3. Hi, I'm following you now! Love that you are so outspoken about your cancer experiences. Keep up the good work!


  4. Hello im a new follower from the link party :) Happy blogging.


  5. Yay for get to know you posts! I found your blog through the Me, Myself and I link up!

  6. My husband was diagnosed with melanoma stage 3 in October 2011. I like to hear about others that are fighting the same battle.

  7. I think your blog is amazing and I love the message and information you put out there. My cousin was diagnosed with melanoma in 2007 and we lost her 8 months later. She didn't even go tanning...ever. just more proof how tanning beds can really make it worse.

  8. You do a fabulous job on behalf of a lot of people Chelsea. You are an inspiration.

  9. Just found your blog via Etsis sun hats. I am now following you on FB. You are an inspiration to all young women. Thanks for spreading your story!
