Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Me, Myself, And I!

One thing I absolutely love about linking-up with fabulous bloggers is that sometimes it forces me to answer questions about myself that I would not have otherwise addressed. Today's post is another example of this insight into the real me, not just the Chelsea-with-Melanoma me.

A few weeks ago I submitted a question that I thought was ideal to be asked during a link-up. We all have seen the wonderful Dear 16-Year-Old Me video, right?

However, how many of us have asked ourselves what we would really tell our 16 year-old self? I submitted my question to a group of ladies, and they agreed--it's a question that needs to be asked.  Let's get on with the link-up!

1) When you're feeling down, what do you do to pick yourself up?
* I am all about a bubble bath, a good book, and some comfortable pajamas. Seriously, when I've had a bad work day (boy, today sure was a rough one!) I don't need a night on the town or a warn delicious brownie. Nope, I'd much rather have a hot bath, a great story, and something comfy to put on afterwards. Ah, relaxation...
And if that fails? I call my mom.  


2)  If you had to live in a different time period which would you prefer?
* Thanks to my mild obsession with Downton Abbey, I would have loved to live during 1912-1920's, the Progressive Era. If you have seen the show--and yeah, yeah, I know it's not totally accurate--I don't think you need me to explain why. 

3)  What is the most creative Halloween costume you've ever worn?
* I was once a dead bride. Not gonna lie, the costume was awesome. (Thanks, mom!) The allergic reaction I had to the face paint? Not so cool, not cool at all...

4)  Five weird things about you we wouldn't know without being told?
* I am kind of OCD about my bedtime routine.
* I once had a bird fly into my bedroom and I hid under my covers until my step dad came to save me.
* The thing that saved our relationship was headphones for Mr. Spots to use while playing XBOX. (Joking...sort of.)
* I still think of what I would tell my literature teachers after I finish an awesome book.
* My real dad is a waterman and he's a harder worker than most folks I know.
Dad and I on the morning of my college graduation, 2009

5)  What would you tell your 16-year-old self?
* I actually wrote a whole post on this topic and I think you should read it.
 Bottom line, take care of your body. You, stubborn self, are not immortal,

Don't forget to join us in this link-up! Stop by and say hi. I'll return the hello! :-)


  1. LOVE Downton and cant wait for this next season and the roaring 20's (that's what I put as my favorite era!)

  2. Hi Chelsea! I'm also a fellow Virginia blogger! I'm brand new to the blogging world and just took part in this link-up (my very first!) It's great to "meet you!"

    Stop by and say hello!


  3. OMG. Totally was going to put that "Keep Calm and Call Mom" in my MMI post too! Seriously the best medicine sometimes :) Found you through the MMI party, now following you! Come stop by and say hello!


  4. keep calm and call mom! i couldn't agree with you more on that!

    new follower via the link-up! can't wait to start following along :)

  5. New follower and can't wait to read more! I should also tell my 16 year old self to stay out of the tanning bed...Please stop by my blog!



  6. Keep Calm and Call Mom!!! Totally me too. :) Glad to have found your blog and I'm eager to get to know you better. How cool that your question got picked!

  7. As I have seen in some of the posts in this blog, I can say that truly you're a fighter!
    here in the Philippines, since most of the women here are dark skinned, they're so obsessed in things that can make their skin fairer. When you go to supermarkets or grocery stores, 90% of the soaps being sold are whitening soaps..hehe..
    anyway,I'm a new follower here through Me Myself and I. hope to get to know you more with your posts..it would be great if you can visit as well.

    Meg :)

  8. I love that you are spreading the word and love your cause! i found you through this linkup!...and following you now! come by Shauchunas Times and say hello!

  9. YES to the era of Downton Abbey. I want to go to there!

  10. Ahhh...a good book and a hot bath. Perfection. I always used to do them at the same time until I got a Kindle. No kindle in the bathtub. ;(

  11. Hi! I have been a follower since I was diagnosed last year with melanoma ! I love reading your blog thanks for doing this !!! Check out my own blog when you can ,, my story can be found on the top left ! http://chickybeachart.blogspot.com/

  12. SO glad your answer was chosen for the link up! I'm so inspired by your blog. I've definitely had my share of tanning bed experiences (my younger sister is addicted and has worked for a variety of tanning salons). I come from a family of sun worshipers - always at the beach with very little SPF. Your story is a big wake up call. I've been rocking the fair skin for a while now and I still feel just as beautiful. I wish more people thought like that. Much love <3

  13. I am your new follower isa pleasure to meet and participate!
