I am a beach lovin' girl who used to associate being tan as being
beautiful. Now, I am the girl who goes to the beach after 4 pm, wears
sunscreen, and does not stay quiet when it comes
to my hatred for
tanning beds.
Most importantly, I am Chelsea, 25, a want-to-be Carrie Bradshaw, a
Stage III Melanoma Diva. Instead of letting this cancer destroy my life,
I am determined to share my experiences with others & promote
melanoma awareness.
After all, melanoma is so much more than just skin cancer.
Hi Chelsea, I found your blog today while perusing the internet. I am 26 and lost my husband a few months ago to Melanoma.
Thank you for making it your mission to promote skin cancer awareness. Since the passing of my husband I too have been blogging, sharing our story and raising awareness.
Stay strong, keep working hard and I'll keep following!
I'm so glad that you decided to sponsor my blog. I'm really enjoying reading your story and looking around your blog. It's beautiful and I love that you're sharing it with us all. I'm looking forward to helping you share your message! Sarah www.comingunstitched.com
My name is Chelsea too! I've started working for a skin cancer screening company as of January this year, and it has been a real kick in the butt to me- I now wear sunscreen all the time, don't worry about not being tan, and constantly nag others about skin cancer! I send out all the reports after people get their screening and it is totally insane how common skin cancer is and people don't even realize. You are awesome for spreading the word!
I LOVE that you are sponsoring Pink on the Cheek this month. I am loving your blog and your message for everyone out there! I have embraced the pale skin I have and hey that is what bronzer is for!! You are amazing doll!
I was diagnosed with stage 2 Melanoma beginning of Feb 2011, and reading your blog gives me alot of hope! Your amazing with your courage and proof that a tan does not make one pretty....... you are gorgeous just as you are!
Thank you all for your kind words! When I first started this blog, I didn't think people would actually read it. Now I get to hear from people all over the world, people who are going it all! That's comforting to me because I found cancer to be a lonely, lonely place in the beginning days.
Dana and Rebs, if I can help at all, please email me! XO!
that's awesome! I haven't tanned in forever...not because of an awareness but I just haven't had time - but I've actually been quite convicted of them...maybe by following your blog I can learn some stuff :) I found your blog from over at Messy Dirty Hair! Excited to be your newest follower and read more posts from ya!!
Noticed your comment on one of the blogs I follow in response to the skin care link-up... I NEEDED to check out your blog... Newest follower on BlogLovin' right here! Excited to follow along! ;)
LOVED the post "Preach it Sister"! I am Stage IV and that talks to a lot of things that have been bothering me. I just started a blog today. See you around probably...
I give you such credit for sharing your story and wanting to help bring awareness to melanoma and the harmful effects of indoor tanning. I am a medical student at the University of Central Florida, College of Medicine whose passion is to bring awareness to melanoma in association with indoor tanning. I am conducting a study to help contribute to this fight. If you or anyone you know would be interested in supporting this study I would greatly appreciate it. https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/MelanomaandTanning
I give you such credit for sharing your story and wanting to help bring awareness to melanoma and the harmful effects of indoor tanning. I am a medical student at the University of Central Florida, College of Medicine whose passion is to bring awareness to melanoma in association with indoor tanning. I am conducting a study to help contribute to this fight. If you or anyone you know would be interested in supporting this study I would greatly appreciate it. https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/MelanomaandTanning
Hi Chelsea,
I found your blog today while perusing the internet. I am 26 and lost my husband a few months ago to Melanoma.
Thank you for making it your mission to promote skin cancer awareness. Since the passing of my husband I too have been blogging, sharing our story and raising awareness.
Stay strong, keep working hard and I'll keep following!
I'm so glad that you decided to sponsor my blog. I'm really enjoying reading your story and looking around your blog. It's beautiful and I love that you're sharing it with us all. I'm looking forward to helping you share your message!
My name is Chelsea too! I've started working for a skin cancer screening company as of January this year, and it has been a real kick in the butt to me- I now wear sunscreen all the time, don't worry about not being tan, and constantly nag others about skin cancer! I send out all the reports after people get their screening and it is totally insane how common skin cancer is and people don't even realize. You are awesome for spreading the word!
I LOVE that you are sponsoring Pink on the Cheek this month. I am loving your blog and your message for everyone out there! I have embraced the pale skin I have and hey that is what bronzer is for!! You are amazing doll!
I was diagnosed with stage 2 Melanoma beginning of Feb 2011, and reading your blog gives me alot of hope! Your amazing with your courage and proof that a tan does not make one pretty....... you are gorgeous just as you are!
you are a true inspiration ! your stories have helped me gain the knowledge and hope to defeat this terrible disease !!!
Thank you all for your kind words! When I first started this blog, I didn't think people would actually read it. Now I get to hear from people all over the world, people who are going it all! That's comforting to me because I found cancer to be a lonely, lonely place in the beginning days.
Dana and Rebs, if I can help at all, please email me! XO!
Not sure if my comment posted on the other page but just wanted to tell you you're a beautiful person and I'm so glad I found your blog :)
that's awesome! I haven't tanned in forever...not because of an awareness but I just haven't had time - but I've actually been quite convicted of them...maybe by following your blog I can learn some stuff :) I found your blog from over at Messy Dirty Hair! Excited to be your newest follower and read more posts from ya!!
Noticed your comment on one of the blogs I follow in response to the skin care link-up... I NEEDED to check out your blog... Newest follower on BlogLovin' right here! Excited to follow along! ;)
LOVED the post "Preach it Sister"! I am Stage IV and that talks to a lot of things that have been bothering me. I just started a blog today. See you around probably...
I give you such credit for sharing your story and wanting to help bring awareness to melanoma and the harmful effects of indoor tanning. I am a medical student at the University of Central Florida, College of Medicine whose passion is to bring awareness to melanoma in association with indoor tanning. I am conducting a study to help contribute to this fight. If you or anyone you know would be interested in supporting this study I would greatly appreciate it.
Thank you for your time and courage!
I give you such credit for sharing your story and wanting to help bring awareness to melanoma and the harmful effects of indoor tanning. I am a medical student at the University of Central Florida, College of Medicine whose passion is to bring awareness to melanoma in association with indoor tanning. I am conducting a study to help contribute to this fight. If you or anyone you know would be interested in supporting this study I would greatly appreciate it.
Thank you for your time and courage!
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